Good News Story
CMCM has been supporting YP since being a resident at Budaroo House. YP was attending Glenmore High School at the time and in our conversations between school pickups/drop offs, she had informed me that her Mother was living in South Australia. Due to personal reasons, she was here in Rocky without any family members. After a few weeks, she had expressed that her Mother was coming to Rockhampton and that she wanted YP to move in with her. YP felt very anxious, due to the reason why she was living at BH. YP cautiously was reunited back with her mother. Before school holidays in September, YP dropped out of school as she didn’t want to keep failing.
CMCM was able to read up on the Career and Transitions Update to check for any of the YP. CMCM noticed the Tucker Time Traineeship and notified YP if she would be interested. CM not knowing at the time, did not realise that YP had dropped out of school, so she was very interested in applying. CMCM got YP to complete Expression of Interest and dropped it off, that same day, YP got an interview and then a week later, she was informed that she was successful in obtaining a 20-week paid Traineeship. At the end of the traineeship, YP would have received: Certificate l in Hospitality, Safety Supervision Skill Set, Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA), Responsible Gambling Services (RSG), Prepare and serve espresso coffee.
CMCM started supporting YP with transporting every day, with the conversation of eventually transitioning to independently getting to work. CMCM supported YP for a few weeks with transportation every day, however, DCYSI had purchased a bike and YP would ride 3 days and CMCM would transport 2 days, due to work being over at Willby’s Restaurant, South Rockhampton. Before Early December, YP had finished her training from the Restaurant and attends 5 days at Multicultural Australia. YP has fully transitioned into attending work independently.
YP has also expressed that her mental health is suffering, as she is currently residing with her Mother. YP has lodged an application with Department of Housing and is waiting on approval. Due to the wait with housing, YP is still awaiting approval. YP has spoken about her mental health, but informs, she is ‘over’ talking about her problems. Due to her hours of work, YP finds it hard to book an appointment, but continues to push through.
YP continues to attend work and develop habits that will follow her through into future workforces. YP finishes her Traineeship on the 12th March and we look forward to seeing her graduate.
Management Committee Video Profiles
DCYSI is excited to introduce the Management Committee, who are the backbone of the success of our organisation through their knowledge and experience that they contribute on a voluntary basis. We have interviewed each committee member to gain some insight into their personal journey.
Good News Story
A young girl who had been a reconnect client for a period of time and for various reasons had limited to no engagement. The young girl has multiple complex needs regarding relationship breakdowns, trauma, disengaged from school, sleeping rough and in the youth justice system.
Staff were able to support the young girl by attending medical, psychological and judicial appointments. All of which the young girl which she initially refused to attend or engage with. Persistence and consistency in attending home visits, appointments, transport, brokerage and phone calls the young girl and her family now actively engage with the program and are accessing support services as required.
Staff had noticed a shift in behaviour for the young girl which then lead to goal setting and planning. The young girl has been able to complete some of her goals and is actively engaging. The young girl and her family have expressed gratitude to staff for support being provided and for not giving up on them like most other services had
Good News Story
A young girl who was participating in Maru Gadyu was identified by Reconnect Coordinator as possibly requiring intensive support. Reconnect Coordinator had a yarn with young girl to discuss issues and goals and offered support. This young girl was linked with other services such as Youth Justice, Child Safety, CQID, CYMHS, QPS, and School Guidance Counsellor however, there was a lack of coordination of services. The young girl had disclosed that her mother was deceased, she is estranged from her father, her siblings were all in care and there was significant abuse previously. She was currently homeless (couch surfing) and had no natural supports or income. Reconnect Coordinator provided ongoing support, coordination, advocacy and referred to other service providers where appropriate.
Through the support provided from Reconnect the young girl is now temporarily staying with extended family, was sentenced to good behaviour order given the engagement and support from DCYSI, completed youth justice orders, has enrolled in ALS, is receiving her own income (Centrelink), has ID, is accessing Counselling and other health services.
The young girl provided positive feedback and gratitude. She told Reconnect Coordinator “this is the most help and support she has received since her mum passed in 2015 and she actually feels like she can move forward with her life now”. She also now has regular contact with her Father.